- nftables のコンパイル
yum install gmp gmp-devel
yum install readline
yum install docbook* (doc 作成)
yum install jansson jansson-devel ( >= 2.3)
tables の入出力(json)の為に使用する
make; sudo make install
./configure --with-json-parsing (--with-xml-parsing )
make; make install
kernel 3.14.x が起動している環境でコンパイルする
./configure ( --prefix=/ )
make; sudo make install
- nftables の構造
Table Chain Hook 直下のsub-chain それ他のsub-chain
ip filter prerouting prerouting ==> sub-chains ==> sub-chains
ip6 route postrouting ==> sub-chains ==> sub-chains
inet nat input
arp output
bridge forward
直下のsub-chain は iptabelsのINPUT、OUTPUT等登録済みのchainと同じ機能
nftabelsは直下のsub-chain を定義する必要がある
直下のsub-chainの定義がない場合には何もしないので accept と同じになる
/etc/nftables (/usr/local/etc/nftables) にある
ipv4-mangle ...
nft -f /etc/nftables/ipv4-filter 等で取り込む使用する事が出来る。
直下のsub-chain設定には Chain,Hookのtype を指定する
chain prerouting { type filter hook prerouting priority 0;}
nft add chain ip filter incoming_tcp{}
- 使用方法
1)shell ファイルに記述、又はシェルからコマンドを使用する
nft add table ip filter
sudo nft -f filename
sudo ./ipv4.nft
nft list table filter > filter-table
nft -f filter-table
XML/JSON ruleset export
sudo nft export json > rules.json
json,XML 形式での保存、(将来は読み込みも可能)
sudo nft -i
nft> add table ip filter
nft> list tables
nft> delete table ip filter
- nftables chain,setの削除
nftables を設定する場合には既存の nftables chain,setを削除してから行う。
Tables="ip ip6 inet arp bridge"
function nft_flush_delete() {
for T in $(nft list tables $1 | cut -d ' ' -f 2) ; do
#echo "flush $1 $T"
nft flush table $1 $T
nft list table $1 $T -nn | awk '/^[ \t]+chain/{ print $2 }' | xargs -r -L 1 nft delete chain $1 $T
#echo "flush set $1 $T"
nft list table $1 $T -nn | awk '/^[ \t]+set/{ print $2 }' | xargs -r -L 1 nft delete set $1 $T
nft delete table $1 $T > /dev/null
for P in $Tables; do
nft_flush_delete $P
iptables が起動している場合には stop しテーブルをクリアする
sudo systemctl --system stop firewalld.service
sudo systemctl --system disable firewalld.service
sudo initctl stop iptables
- 設定手順
nft -f /etc/nftables/ipv4-filter を読み込む
add table ip filter {
chain prerouting { type filter hook prerouting priority 0;}
chain postrouting{ type filter hook postrouting priority 0;}
chain output { type filter hook output priority 0;}
chain input { type filter hook input priority 0;}
chain forward { type filter hook forward priority 0;}
ip は省略出来る(default設定)
add table ip filter
==> add table filter
sudo nft list tables [ip| ip6 | inet | arp | bridge]
sudo nft list ip table [filter| nat] -nn
sudo nft list set ip filter [blacklists | tcp_ports | ... ] -n
-n ipaddress を名前に変換しない
-nn port番号をサービス名に変換しない
サンプルコード (lnft.sh)
- シンボリック変数
define ext_if = eth0
define ext_ifs = { $ext_if }
filter input iifname $ext_ifs
define private_addr2 = {}
define private_addr1 = {}
define private_addr0 = {,,,,,}
define private_addr_all = {$private_addr2, $private_addr0 }
add rule filter postrouting oif $ext_if1 ip daddr $private_addr_all log prefix "Drop_post_private_addr_all:" drop
==> Error: Core dump
add rule filter postrouting oif $ext_if1 ip daddr $private_addr0 log prefix "Drop_post_private_addr_0:" drop
add rule filter postrouting oif $ext_if1 ip daddr $private_addr2 log prefix "Drop_post_private_addr_2:" drop
## ephmeral-ports
define ephmeral_min = 49152
define ephmeral_max = 61000
include "local_printer.nft"
add rule filter jetdirect_out ct state new,established tcp sport >= $ephmeral_min tcp sport = $ephmeral_max tcp dport $jetdirect_tcp accept
- 比較
ne which stands for non equal. Alternatively you can use !=
lt means less than. Alternatively you can use <
gt means less than. Alternatively you can use >
le means less than. Alternatively you can use <=
ge means less than. Alternatively you can use >=
nft add rule input test test tcp dport != 22
nft add rule input test test tcp dport >= 1024
- アドレス指定
add rule filter OUTPUT ip daddr
add rule filter OUTPUT ip daddr
add rule filter OUTPUT ip saddr . ip daddr .
add rule filter OUTPUT ip daddr {,}
nft add rule filter input ip daddr drop
nft add rule ip filter input ip saddr {, } drop
nft add rule ip filter forward ip daddr { : jump chain-dmz, jump chain-desktop
} drop
- メタ表現
nftables-2.0 からは meta を記述しなくてもよい様であるが
nft filter output meta skuid root accept
==> nft filter output skuid root accept
# meta: skb length
add rule filter outgoing_udp udp dport @dns_port ip daddr @dns_server meta length < 256 accept
add rule filter outgoing_udp udp dport @ntp_port udp sport @ntp_port ip daddr @ntp_server meta length 76 accept
# meta: protocol
add rule ip filter output meta protocol 0x0800 counter
# meta: iifname,oifname :: input,output iface_index
add rule ip filter output meta iifname "eth0" counter
add rule ip filter output meta oifname "eth0" counter
add rule ip filter output meta iifname $ext_ifs # define 設定の場合
# meta: iif,oif ::
add rule ip filter output meta iif lo counter
add rule ip filter output meta oif lo counter
add rule ip filter output meta oif @ext_ifs # sets 設定の場合
# meta: uid
nft add rule filter output meta skuid pablo counter
nft add rule filter output meta skuid 1000 counter
# meta: gid
add rule ip filter output meta skgid 1000 counter
# meta: mark
add rule ip filter output meta mark 0 counter
nft add rule filter output meta mark 123 counter
# meta: secmark
add rule ip filter output meta secmark 0 counter
# meta: nftrace
add rule ip filter output meta nftrace 1 counter
# meta: rtclassid (see /etc/iproute2/rt_realms)
add rule ip filter output meta rtclassid cosmos counter
- conntrack (CT)
State information: new, established, related and invalid.
# ct: state
ct state {new,established} accept
ct state invalid drop
# ct: helper
add rule filter tcp_helper ct helper "ftp" accept
add rule filter tcp_helper ct helper "irc" accept
add rule filter tcp_helper return
add rule filter outgoing_tcp tcp dport 1024-65535 ct state {established,related} jump tcp_helper
# ct: direction original/reply
add rule ip filter output ct direction original counter
add rule ip filter output ct direction reply counter
# ct: mark
nft add rule filter input ct mark 123 counter
nft add rule ip filter output ct mark 0 counter
nft filter output mark set ct mark
nft filter output ct mark set 0x1
# ct: secmark
add rule ip filter output ct secmark 0 counter
# ct: expiration
add rule ip filter output ct expiration 30 counter
- log
log option
prefix string
group number (log-level ?)
snaplen number
queue-threshold number
sudo modprobe xt_LOG と nft_log モジュールを事前に読込む。
add rule filter incoming_icmp ct state {established,related} icmp type @icmp_incoming log prefix "Accept_icmp_incoming:" accept
log prefix の長さ制限はない (iptables:29 文字)
Apr 21 13:42:31 dac77 kernel: [18865.439788] Accept_icmp_incoming_1234567890_12345:IN=p2p1 OUT=
MAC=08:00:27:b0:53:68:52:54:00:12:35:02:08:00 SRC= DST= LEN=84 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00
add rule filter prerouting ip saddr @blacklists log prefix "Drop_pre_blacklist:" drop
は 下記 iptables と同じ log を出力する
iptables xxx -j LOG --log-prefix "Drop_pre_blacklist:" --log-ip-options
- sets
IPv4 address
IPv6 address
Ethernet address
Protocol type
Mark type
名前なし sets
nft add rule filter output tcp dport { 22, 23 } counter drop
名前付 sets
nft add set filter blacklists { type ipv4_addr;}
add set ip filter eth_ifs { type iface_index;} # eth0
add set ip filter dns_port { type inet_service;} # 53,80,443
add set ip filter icmp_outgoing { type icmp_type;} # echo-reply,echo-request
add set ip filter blacklists { type ipv4_addr;} #
sets の定義場所
add set ip filter ext_ifs { type iface_index;}
add element filter ext_ifs { $ext_ifs }
対応 1:filter 定義内に記述する
add table ip filter {
chain prerouting { type filter hook prerouting priority 0;}
set ext_ifs { type iface_index;}
対応 2: 事前に別ファイルで定義する
add set ip filter ext_ifs { type iface_index;}
define,set に要素数の制限はない (iptables の multiports はMAX 14)
nft add element filter eth_ifs { eth0,eth1 }
nft delete element filter blacklists { }
nft delete set filter blacklists
# Concat expression
add rule ip filter output ip daddr . tcp dport { \ . 22, \ . 80, \
iif or oif @eth_ifs ( iifname @eth_ifs はダメ)
iif < @eth_ifs
iif != @eth_ifs
set private_addr { type ipv4_addr;}, 等なダメ
アドレス範囲指定は define では有効
- map (Dictionary)
名前付 map
add map filter verdict_map { type ipv4_addr : verdict; }
add element filter verdict_map { : drop}
add element filter verdict_map { : accept}
add rule filter output ip daddr vmap @verdict_map
delete element filter verdict_map
delete set filter verdict_map
名前なし map
nft add rule ip filter input ip protocol vmap { \
tcp : jump tcp-chain, \
udp : jump udp-chain, \
icmp : jump icmp-chain }
add filter input ip saddr vmap { \ : jump chain1, \ : jump chain2, \ : jump chain3 \
nft add rule filter output ip daddr vmap { \ : drop, \ : accept}
- Debug
## scanner, parser, eval, netlink, mnl, proto-ctx, segtree, all
nft --debug parser -I $nftDir -f $nftDir/nft_ip4.nft
- Mark
add rule filter OUTPUT meta mark 123/0x000000ff
nft filter input mark set 0x1
nft filter input mark set mark | 0x1
will OR the current value with 0x1.
nft filter input mark set ip saddr map { : 0x1, : 0x2, : 0x3,
* : 0x4
- MAC address
define if1_mac = 00:1b:21:02:6f:ad
add rule filter prer_eth iif $ext_if1 ether daddr $if1_mac return
add rule filter prer_eth oif $ext_if1 ether saddr $if1_mac return
- Rate limiting
Rate limiting matchings
nft add rule filter input icmp type echo-request limit rate 10/second accept
ip protocol icmp limit rate 10/second accept
ip protocol icmp drop
tcp dport ssh limit rate 15/minute accept
include "ipv4-nat.nft"
nft add rule nat postrouting ip saddr $local_net oifname $ext_if snat [ xx.xx.xx.xx | xx.xx.xx.xx:port ]
nft add rule nat prerouting iif $int_ifs udp dport @udp_proxies dnat $udp_proxy_ipaddr
nft filter input tcp dport ssh accept comment "SSH access"
- connlabel support
Support for connection tracking labels (connlabels) has been added.
connlabel.conf is parsed and the values can be used as symbolic
constants in combination with the "ct label" expression.
nft filter input ct label clients,servers accept
- tcp flags
pre-defined symbolic constants:
fin 0x01
syn 0x02
rst 0x04
psh 0x08
ack 0x10
urg 0x20
ecn 0x40
cwr 0x80
tcp flags & (fin|syn) == (fin|syn) drop
tcp flags & (syn|rst) == (syn|rst) drop
tcp flags & (fin|syn|rst|psh|ack|urg) < (fin) drop # == 0 would be better, not supported yet.
tcp flags & (fin|syn|rst|psh|ack|urg) == (fin|psh|urg) drop